Persona & Zelda

Those curious about the worlds they reside in...


A Velvet Attendant who sees to multiple guests.



- As an Attendant, she has access to the compendium, meaning she can use any Persona and - by extension - nearly any ability. In combat, she often likes to use Personas familiar to her opponent.- Shae can physically manipulate shadows (not the monsters), but this often only ends up coming into appearance as a makeshift bed for her to sleep in.


A Velvet Attendant of the Aeon arcana who sees to multiple guests in what's been dubbed the "Velvet Library."The Library is a vast expanse of bookshelves in the dark. And though it may be in the dark, you are still able to see ahead. The focal point of the Library resides two large and comfy chairs positioned across from each other, a coffee table between them, and a crackling fireplace that both chairs face.
Here is where you'll find the Attendant awaiting her guests.
She pulls books from the many bookshelves, each presumably corresponding to a certain figure in the multiverse.

BotW & TotK

A Sheikah Scientist who studies ancient magic.


- Shaetima has access to a wide variety of magic, most of which is seen throughout the Zelda franchise. In particular, she excels at healing, lightning and fire-based magic.- Shae is adept with the ancient Sheikah tech and can manipulate it, though not to the degree that Link can with his slate. At most, she's figured out how to hijack the fast-travel system the Towers use for her own personal use.- Shae uses kunai to fight, similar to Impa when she was younger. While nowhere near as adept with them as Impa was, she tries her best.


A Sheikah Scientist based in Kakariko. Her lab is built into the side of the mountain trail that leads to the Fairy Fountain. She is often found all around Hyrule, specifically sneaking into the royal castle or around ancient ruins, chasing down books and manuscripts. Her studies have led her into rediscovering the ancient art of magic!She has a strong dislike for the representatives of the Triforce - Link, Ganon and Zelda - because she sees their existence as a threat to the peace in Hyrule. Ancient tales from the past often detail the hero, princess and villain and their exploits disrupting Hyrule. With a cycle that never ends, it led her to believe that the lives of everyone in Hyrule meant little to nothing when compared to the Triforce's representatives. War and ruin always came to Hyrule because of Ganon, Link, and Zelda's conflict, always at the detriment of everyone else's lives. As a result, she's rather resentful of their existence.During the events of Breath of the Wild, Impa tasks her with teaching the Hero of the Wild what she knows in order to assist him with his journey to defeat Ganon. Shaetima begrudgingly agrees.During the events of Tears of the Kingdom, she shifts focus from magic towards studying the ancient Zonai technology. She's become more adept at magic by this point and can teach Link more spells for his utilization against Ganon.
